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Personal Speculative Project

Oct - Dec, 2022

OVERVIEW - Artist Statement

As humans continually exploit earth's resources, plants and animals are constantly being destroyed, which exacerbates environmental problems like air pollution. I can't stop contemplating the potential consequences if humans are unable to breathe in the air in the future world.

Driven by this thought, I designed a portable plant-based oxygen cylinder, PlantinO2, that is used to sustainably provide oxygen for humans to breathe in the future of 2060. Everyone would be assigned a plant and oxygen cylinder at birth, which means human life is closely connected to their plant, if the plant dies, they die. By using an oxygen tube to physically connect humans with plants, I want to visualize and substantiate the indivisible relationship between humans and plants. This installation serves as a reminder of the significance of plants, while also encouraging individuals to protect and value the current environment.

Project --- Personal Project

Scope --- Installation Art, Speculative Design, Interaction Design

Platform --- Interactive Installation

Tool --- Arduino, Figma, Procreate, Hardware




In The Botany of Desire, Michael Pollan (2001) describes the entrenched and profoundly formative relationship between plants and humans as mutualism—a biological relationship between different species where both parties benefit from the relationship.

Plants provide food and maintain healthy enviroment for humans. Most important, plant help humans breathe by providing us with oxygen, and humans help plants "breathe" by providing them with carbon dioxide.


Why plants are important for humans? 


Humans need oxygen to breathe, we need to breathe to live.


Humans need shelter to protect them from animals, keep them dry and safe.


Humans would not be able to maintain a healthy diet without plants.


Humans use fiber to produce fabric, such as clothes.


Plants can use to alter the local environment and maintain ecological balance. 


Humans use the medicine every day, without it lots of people will die.

Negative consequences of overexploitation of plants

Deforestation + Over logging

The World Bank shows the data that since 1990 the forest area (% of land area) has continuous decline from 31.6 to 30.7.

Air pollution

Plants and trees perform the function of taking in carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen. Deforestation is a cause of air pollution because As the number of plants and trees reduces the carbon dioxide (a major pollutant) in the air increases.

Human health

Air pollution has a significant impact on our health, which can cause serious medical conditions, such as cancer, heart attacks, and strokes.

In fact, 1/3 of deaths from strokes, lung cancer, and chronic respiratory disease globally are caused by air pollution.

"Plant Blindness"

Plants are not much more than background foliage in human busy lives — or worse, expendable.

Soil degradation

Deforestation would cause soil erosion. Soil degradation, including soil erosion and loss of soil structure and nutrition, would decrease crop production and threaten food security.



Because of deforestation, desertification, and climate change, air quality become extremely unhealthy for humans to breathe normally in the air.


Humans have to move out of cities. They built and live in breathing stations which are plant-centered shelters.


However, because of limited resources and Inequality distribution, humans wage war for more fertile land, stronger plants, and healthier air.


There is no victor in the strife, most of the people and plants were almost completely destroyed.


In order to quell the war, the supreme court made new rules to achieve the surface of peace and equality. The supreme court holds the plant seeds and has the right to distribute plants. 


Everyone is assigned a plant at birth. The plant grows in a wearable&portable  cylinder, that will provide sufficient oxygen to the person. But at the same time, the person's life is closely connected to the plant.

The plant represents social status. People who have better skills in growing plants can cross the class through the health state and knowledge of plants.

However, there is no real equality behind the scene. The rich people will be assigned plants with high oxygen production power, and others will only get ordinary plants.

Future Scope


idea 1

idea 3

I chose IDEA 2 as my final choice, because:​

  1. Compare to the other two ideas, idea 2 is more practical and portable. Rather than using the transportation facility to carry the plant, I think carrying it on the back would be more convenient to move around.

  2. By carrying the plant on the back, I shortened the physical distance between the human and the plant, leading the plant to press against the human back, which implied the close relationship between human and plant. (part of body)

idea 2

Idea Sketches


Part 1: Oxygen Concentration Displayer

Step 1: Preparing the materials

I wanted to have a screen and rotary on the top of the oxygen bottle. The rotary can adjust the oxygen flow quantity, whereas the screen can display the oxygen concentration and quantity.

Arduino facilitated me to complete this part of the project. I bought materials on Amazon, including Arduino mega 2560, rotary module, OLED module, Arduino cable, breadboard jumper wire, battery, and battery holder.


Step 2: Writing the code

I first tried to make the OLED module and rotary module work separately, then I combined the two sets of code together. I connected the rotary with the OLED, so every adjustment of the rotary would change the number that showed on OLED. The rotary number range from 0 - 100, which correspond to the oxygen flow quantity (0% ~ 100%).

Step 3: Assembly process

I recorded the making process of the oxygen concentration displayer, including the connecting parts of OLED and rotary modules and the commissioning and debugging process.

Step 4: Part 1 Result —— SUCCESS!!

I recorded the making process of the oxygen concentration displayer, including the connecting parts of OLED and rotary modules and the commissioning and debugging process.

Part 2:  Assembling the Device Lid

Step 1: Sketch out the idea + Mesurement

The Arduino mega and wires were cluttered, which affect the overall aesthetics of the product. I decided to make a box for the container lid to hide the hardware, which also provides a fixed spot to hold the OLED, rotary, and container’s light controller

I sketched out my idea while measuring the lid and components. By having this draft, I was able to calculate the box surface area and the area I need to cut.

Step 2: Preparing the materials

Based on my idea, I prepared the materials that include: 

1. PVC Sheet – I compared several materials, including plastic, paper box, and wood… I decided to use the PVC sheet to make the box because it is easy to cut, waterproof, and thick. 

2. Liquid nail glue – good at any sticking

3. Power bank – for the container lid’s lightening 

4. Container lid – base of the box

5. Part 1 Component 

Step 3: Assembly process

First, I drew 6 sides of box on the PVC sheet and cutted them as I measured. Then I hollowed out the areas where the OLED, rotary, and controller need to be displayed.

In order to construct the device lid, I sticked each part to form a box for holding the components.

Step 4: Part 2 Result —— SUCCESS!!

Part 3:  Carry the bottle on the back

Step 1: Sketch out ideas

I sketched out my idea of how to organize the strap to carry the bottle in the most comfortable way and how to stick the bottle on to the carrying straps.

Step 2: Preparing the materials

Then, I prepared the materials that would be used for making the strap. I chose super glue instead of liquid nail because super glue creates a strong bond between glass and fiber (container and straps). The adhesive force between the container and straps is the essential key to carrying the device on the back.

Step 3: Assembly Process

After a small test of straps, I decided to tape the bottle on the top of the container instead of the bottom, to hold center of gravity of the device.

Testing on the ways to form the straps.

Assembling the oxygen tube and mask.

Carrying the device on the back.

Part 4:  Add the spirit in --- PLANT

Step 1: Preparing the materials

Before I went to the garden nursery, I research online and found two plants that produce lots of oxygen: Prain and Himalayan ivy

I also prepared some moss, sand, and soil for planting the plants in this small container.

Step 2: Assembly Process

I followed the steps of making a terrarium to build a small ecosystem within the container. Overall there are 5 steps: Sand   ->  Dry grass  ->  Soil  ->  Moss  ->  Plant

Video Recoarding for the whole making process 📸


PlantinO2, Arduino Components, PVC Sheet, Oxygen Tube, Glass Container, Mask, Glue, Straps, Plant, 32'' x 14'' x 10'', 2022






Normal people

Has supreme rights in countries, because they have unlimited plant sources, controlling plant seeds. 

Respected by all citizens, because they have knowledge and skills in growing plants.

Born with plants that has high oxygen production power. Also, Have the money to hire professional florists to take care of the plants.

Born with plants that has low or normal oxygen production power. 

Daily life of normal people with PlantinO2




Future Hierarchy


1. Reflective thoughts

The installation, and its accompanying future hierarchy, aim to satirize the government and current class system by highlighting the discrepancy between the rhetoric of equality and the reality that society will never truly be equal for all. Through the future scope and ideation of the installation, I hope to shed light on the corruption and oppressive nature of today's government, and the concentration of power and resources among a select few.


2. Expand skills and ability

I honed my hands-on and programming abilities by building the plant-based oxygen cylinder end-to-end. The process provided me with more experience in programming Arduino boards to create the desired interaction between the audience and the installation. I enjoyed the assembly process and expanded my understanding of the materials used.

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