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Electronic Technological Art Project

Jan. - Mar., 2021


Car-Hand is an electric car that controls by a remote infrared ray controller, with a human hand holding the painting brush. By remotely controlling the car drive, it could paint different figures on paper. With the human hand and fresh flowers, the robotic figure discusses the isolation drawing that brings tensions to the automatization of robots between humans, plants, and technologies. I was inspired by Yayoi Kasuma’s artistic concept of drawing as a medicine for her to escape isolation and unhappiness, which resonates with my personal experience. Due to COVID-19, people have to quarantine houses and isolate themselves from their friends. Painting is entertaining for me, which could detach me from loneliness feelings. Painting is a way to resist the boring quarantine life. I try to convey energetic emotion among audiences by decorating cars with fresh flowers. I use dots to represent the coronavirus. It symbolized that even though our life is surrounded and dominated by viruses, we still find ways to comfort our soul.

Artist Statement


Car-Hand, Arduino, Paper Board, Fresh Flowers, Acrylic, Plastic Hand, Brush, Found Objects,

20” x 17” x 11”, 2021.

Car-Hand, Arduino, Paper Board, Fresh Flowers, Acrylic, Plastic Hand, Brush, Found Objects,

20” x 17” x 11”, 2021.

Car-Hand, Arduino, Paper Board, Fresh Flowers, Acrylic, Plastic Hand, Brush, Found Objects,

20” x 17” x 11”, 2021.

Final Outcome


Car-Hand Painting Process

Car-Hand Paintings

Passion, Acrylic on Paper, 38” x 26”, 2021.

Tension, Acrylic on Paper, 38” x 26”, 2021.

Collision, Acrylic on Paper, 38” x 26”, 2021.

Produced Paintings
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