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Hi! I'm Grace (Jinyu) Rao,

Skilled in user research, interaction, and visual design, I excel at developing impactful features quickly in fast-paced environments.

I am currently pursuing a master's program in Technology Innovation at the University of Washington. I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of California, San Diego, with majors in Cognitive Science (specializing in Design and Interaction) and Speculative Design.

Majoring in Speculative Design enables me to be creative and forward-thinking, focusing on future impact and technological innovation. Meanwhile, majoring in Cognitive Science provided me with the knowledge and mindset to think critically and empathetically about user experience.

I believe that good design serves as a language, effectively communicating with people through objects and figures.

Taking pictures of the moments I enjoyed...

I love to travel and take photos of the beautiful scene I saw during the journey.

Every time I saw the pictures, I could flashback to that moment with emotions and feelings.


I LOVE PETS!!!!!!!!!

Pets are the cutes creatures in the world.

Unfortunately, I don't have my own.

So I play with my friends' pets :)

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